What if I want to cancel the tickets

What if I want to cancel the tickets

Cancellation policies vary, depending upon the type of ticket booking, the time of year, and the reason for cancellation. Below are the rules for cancellation & refund after the tickets have been issued:

- 10% cost of ticket will be charged in case of cancellation or amendment made more than 30 days from departure date.
- 25% cost of ticket will be charged in case of cancellation or amendment made from 15 – 29 days  before departure.
- 50% cost of ticket will be charged in case of cancellation or amendment made from 5 – 14 days  before departure.
- 70% cost of ticket will be charged in case of cancellation or amendment made from 2 – 4 days  before departure.
- 100% cost of ticket will be charged in case of cancellation or amendment within 48 hours  before departure.

The refund will be made to the credit card you original use for purchase.

We reserves the rights to cancel your booking with a prior notice. In such case, a full refund of 100% will be credited to your account.

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Hanoi sapa train Service