Sapa Weather in August

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August, the last month of summer, is notorious for its peak level of rain and typhoon. Weather does not go through any significant changes since July except for the level of rainfall. Possessing the highest level of rainfall throughout the year, August is described as the wettest month with rain spreading over the course of 23 days during the month. In other words, sunny days are obviously less observed.

Sapa Weather in August

August Weather

Summer also enriches Sapa’s cultural and ethnic resources with some of the most expected festival of the year. Nung festival is yearly held on the first day of the seventh lunar month in Muong Khuong and Bac Ha districts, where Nung ethnic people gathered and settled together years ago. On this day, steamed glutinous rice in seven colors is featured for the pray to the God. The festival is meant to remind descendants of the merit of the God, nature and ancestors who supported Nung people in winning aggressors and protecting their mother land. This is the vivid illustration of the moral philosophy “drink water remember origin”- one valuable tradition of Vietnamese. 

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