Cycling downhill Sapa Valley

This one-day cycling tour guarantees you an exciting shortcut into the beautiful villages and the verdant scenery of the area.  This cycling tour gives out a straight route for you to follow through. The tour offers you a quick look at the beautiful wilderness of the region. You first head out to the village of Su Pan. Here is the dwelling place of Black Hmong. The Black Hmong is an interesting ethnic group. You may find them in many countries from Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand to China. Everywhere they go, they still maintain certain traditions. They also are proud to call themselves to be Hmong people other than a specific nationality. They still maintain an interesting mating habit. On the festival, if the girl indicates her interest in a guy. She would allow him to chase after her literally. She then appears to be coy and run away. If the guy catches her which usually is the case, he would make a slight slap on her bottom to mark his right. From then, they become a couple. In certain ways, Hmong people are preserving their crude beauty of tradition. This tour will offer you a quick view into that. Also, you can spend sometimes swimming in the cool river. Later in the day you can walk around watching a new village of a different tribe- the Red Dao. They dress in a different way and are also proud of their own tradition as well. The cycling tour is great for ones who are pressed for time and aim for a short tour.

The trip in brief:

Physical level: Click for details
Cultural interaction: Click for details
Meals included: Lunch
Vehicles: Bicycle, Car
Hotels: N/A
Trip cost: From $122/ person

    Day 1

    You will have a bicycle time getting to the Sapa valley and witness the amazing landscape of highland and rice terraced fields on the route. Spending time at the Black Hmong village of Su Pan and Tay village of Ban Ho, you are able to learn more about tradition of the local tribe, have lunch with local specialities and especially swim at nearby river. After lunch you can walk up to Red Dao village of Nam Toong, where you continue learning about the local culture before returning to Ban Ho and getting back to Sapa.


Cycling downhill Sapa Valley

Tour price
Trip Cost (Per person) $122 $87 $80 $77

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Trip map

Itinerary in brief

Day 1